Much RooomMuch RoomMuch Rooom ProjectMuch Rooom ProjectMuch Rooom ProjectMuch Rooom ProjectMuch RooomMuch Rooom

Much Rooom Much Rooom Much Rooom Much Rooom Much Rooom Much Rooom Much Rooom Much RooomMuch Rooom

Much Rooom Project

Mycelium design laboratory.
Project in development, with the support of Pro Helvetia Design Promotion

Radio interview for Unperfect radio

Collaborators Much Rooom Project:
Takku Ligueye Cooperative of women:
Laboratory managers / mushroom farmers
Pointe Sarenne, Senegal
Rassidou Diallo:
laboratory logistics and supervision
Pointe Sarenne, Senegal
Dr. Lat Souk Tounkara:
Mycological technical support
Director of the Biotechnology Department,
Institute of Food Technology (ITA), Dakar, Senegal
Noemi Niederhauser:
Design & Material research / project coordination
Jennifer Niederhauser Schlup:
Art direction/ visual communication

Location of Much Rooom laboratory: Pointe Sarenne, Nianning Region, Senegal

Much Rooom Project is the elaboration of a biomaterial made of mycelium. Mycelium is the vegetative part of a fungus, or fungus like bacterial colony.

The biomaterial aims to be moulded into specific shapes and used for product packaging and design elements once mushrooms have been harvested for food.

Much Rooom emerges through a collaboration at the crossroads of Senegal and Switzerland. It is implemented in a specific location and aspires to foster women empowerment and environmental resilience within the local context it is taking shape.

Much Rooom ambitions to develop a design process that carefully negotiates the economical, environmental and social impact it generates on the long term. It seeks to establish a working method where various existing knowledge are teaming up to foster alternative perspectives.

Much Rooom seeks to develop design connected to the people, for the people and by the people — bringing it back to where it belongs and where it can be useful, hoping to enhance daily life.